simple homemade baby food with cuisinart

this post sponsored by cuisinart.  all opinions and photos are my own.  as always, thanks for reading and supporting this blog!  xoxo

If you follow along with me on instagram, you that I gave birth to our fourth little last weekend.
And of course I'll share that {crazy} {almost had him in the parking lot} story eventually, right now I'm a wee bit sleep deprived and trying to adjust to being way outnumbered...

So a baby who is barely a week old doesn't need baby food yet...but I know how much I've enjoyed making baby food in the mama love in those meals!!  Plus...I like to think about the money I save DIYing it...and food that is super fresh without a shelf life really makes me feel good about doing it.

I've always made single ingredient fruit and veggie blends and then worked my way up to whole meals of meats/veggies/fruits.

While I've been up in the middle of the night nursing my little buddy and surfing pinterest, I've found some others I'm saving for later...

8 recipes from Camille Styles
Acorn squash blends
Recipes divided by age

And of course you can visit the Cuisinart Baby Recipe page for more recipe inspirations!

What's even better...share what you like about the Cuisinart Baby Food Maker or a link to your favorite recipe in the comments below and be entered to win a Cuisinart Baby Food Maker of your own!

Contest ends July 21.

Good luck!!

find me on bloglovin' and my fave social media sites!
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  1. This would be so great as I have a 4 month old! I love how you can steam and puree the fruit/veggies with this!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How very convenient that you can both cook and puree in the same bowl. Less dishes mean more time with baby. I would LOVE to win this brilliant appliance!

  4. That's an awesome gadget! We're expecting #3 in a few months and I love making baby food. I've always used my blender, but it's great to see Cuisinart put out a product specifically for baby food. It's definitely on my must find list before this little one starts solids.

  5. real food, from day one, just like what the family is eating. Awesome sauce!


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