kids say the darndest things & plum organics

this post sponsored by Plum Organics.  all opinions and photos are my own.  as always, thanks for reading and supporting this blog!  xoxo

We're long time lovers of Plum Organics in this house {remember when I made these??  Yum!} and in honor of their Mighty Tots line and launch of a series of videos on YouTube meant to capture the whimsical moments and spirited ramblings of toddlers, they've asked me to share some of the memorable things my own littles have said.  

I spent an evening last week looking through baby books to find some of the sweet toddler mispronunciations my own littles have come up with over the years {and that I never had the heart to correct because of the cuteness!}

"peter butter" = peanut butter
"eye bulb" = eye ball
"shin gardens" = shin guards
"heart beep" = heart beat
"mindow" = window
"yadder" = ladder
"meow" = my oldest's name for any animal he saw until he was almost 3
"pumple rump skin" = Rumplestiltskin

It was a fun trip down memory lane. :)

If you'd like to see the Plum Organic videos {they're super sweet!} you can check them out here, here, here, and here!

Plum was awesome enough to send samples of their Mighty Tots line to me...and they want to send some to a lucky reader, too!

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