simple nest place cards

Remember last month when JoAnn put out the blogger challenge for spooky spaces?
Well, November's challenge is {fittingly!} turkey tablescapes.

Lucky for me, my parents always host Thanksgiving dinner.
{Trust me...I'm thankful for that every year!!}

So that means I got to just have a little fun with colors and sparkles for this challenge...
but I also think these would make for fun gift tags/toppers, too...for any birthday or holiday!

I found the sparkly bird nests in the floral section of JoAnn.  {Turkeys lay it makes sense, right?? :)}

They had picks attached to the bottoms, but I was able to just wiggle them out.

Then I just ruffled strips of tissue paper on my sewing machine and attached the ruffles to tiny tags.

I wrote the guest names on small pieces of paper I trimmed into a flag shape and then glued those atop the ruffled tags.

I tucked the tags into the nests, and there you go!

If you're looking for more inspiration, search the hashtag #turkeytablescapes or check out the JoAnn craft catalog.

And if you're ready to's a coupon good for the month of November!

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