Tuesday, August 13, 2013

diy: a prettier set of abc magnets

Recently everyone's fave craft store, Michaels, challenged some bloggers to create a little something to celebrate back to school.

So in typical Cheryl fashion I thought of a whole bunch of different projects, but couldn't decide on which one...

Finally I decided to go simple...like as simple as abc!

I think we have about a million of these fluorescent alphabet magnets floating around our house.

The boys use them all the time...practicing spelling their names, sight words, etc...

And while I love rainbow and bright colors as much as the next girl, I thought a more sophisticated set...like maybe for MY craft room or refridge...would be a nice change....and a little less...neon...to look at.

So I grabbed a {still bright and happy!} few grown up colors of spray paint and a set of alpha magnets and got to work changing them up.

This project doesn't really need much direction...just spread the magnets out, prime, and spray paint in some fresh colors!

And then have fun spelling out little notes. :)

Be sure to check out the Michaels pinterest boards for more inspiration!

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  1. Great idea. I do this in my classroom, but they are not nearly as pretty as yours. We just paint all of the vowels red, to keep them consistent. Love all of your colors!


  2. I got all excited thinking they sold them in cuter colors now...ha! I should have known you'd worked your adorable magic to make them a bit more "decor" friendly!! Really cute!


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