Before I completely forget to share...last week I made a sparkly {no sew!} burlap bunting for Delia Creates.
It'll take you 10 minutes to make one.
Go here to get the DIY.
I spent the last week as a single parent.
Of course, I never share this until after the fact because I don't want the bad guys to know I'm home alone.
Big props to the real single parents.
5 minutes in the morning alone in the bathroom or a little bit of time to make dinner in peace makes a big difference.
And we just plain missed him.
But I was able to catch up on a bunch of house-y projects.
Mostly not exciting ones...pulling outgrown clothes from closets, paring down the worn out things that will never cut it as hand me downs...
Riveting I tell you.
But also a good jump on my 40 bags in 40 days challenge I like to try every year.
If you follow me on instagram or facebook, you know my big project has been cleaning out our craft room.
It's become a dumping ground instead of a happy place for making.
Over Christmas it just gets worse when we throw junk in there and shut the door 5 minutes before guests arrive.
It was bad.
But I'm almost done!
And already I feel as though we have a whole space in our home.
So I hope to share a few pictures from that soon.
A few friends on instagram have asked for some house "tour" {that sounds so fancy and professional...neither of which will ever describe me!!} pictures.
I'll try.
The truth is our house looks like 3 littles live here.
And not in a minimalist/Apartment Therapy/I'm ready for my photoshoot kind of way.
More of a watch your step, pointy Legos are everywhere kind of way.
So we'll see about that.
We've also been getting all kinds of valentiney around here, so I'll be sharing some projects and decorating items soon, too.
At any rate, happy Monday, friends!
Enjoy your week!
find me!
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Yep, being a single mom to the 5 and under crew is no walk in the park! :)
ReplyDeleteI think I'm gonna do 40 bad in 40 days this year too...was just thinking about it the other day.
40 BAGS ;)