So, first of all,
thank you
thank you
thank you
for all of the comments, emails, prayers, and general good vibes sent my way. A speedy recovery it's been, and I am so grateful.
Homemade cookies from
a friend also help. :)
Gatorade. Goldfish. Prescription drugs. Breakfast of champions.
Enough carry out. Time for mama to get to the grocery store.
Housework got a few days off, too.
And here are a few non-medically and non-scary deets, for anyone ever finding themselves in the same situation as me. When I told everyone what I was having done, friends, both in real life and bloggy, came out of the woodwork to share support and talk me off a ledge. I'll do the same and hopefully ease someone else's fears. :)
Tuesday morning, I had my
gallbladder taken out lapriscopically.
Got to the hospital at 6 am, had my IV placed (by an awesome nurse that claims she's the "Vein Whisperer"...and I agree!!)
Went into surgery by 7:30 am.
In recovery around 11ish. Not feeling too bad, just "out of it."
Pumped and dumped on account of the anesthesia.
Ate some crackers, took a pain killer and was on my way home.
Got home and napped with Sister for the entire afternoon.
Woke up with a metally taste in my mouth from the anesthesia, but feeling almost normal.
Ate a normal dinner of pork chops, applesauce and green beans and felt great.
Took another pain killer, went to bed and slept til morning.
Woke up a tiny bit sore, like I did a killer ab workout, but no pain at all.
And that was it. Really. The recovery (and surgery for that matter) was so easy, I'm still surprised about it. I'm a girl so afraid of all things needle-y and doctory-y that I almost considered giving birth without epidurals just to avoid it. Big. Chicken.
I lifted the baby. I vacuumed. I drove. NBD.
If you're in the same spot and need the surgery, just do it. Get it over with. Everyone promised me it wouldn't be that big deal, and it really wasn't. :)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, friends!
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