Torn knees.

I know every blogger is writing about this.
I will too.

My heart is so broken for all of those hurt by the tragedy in Connecticut. 
So broken.
Big, ugly cry after big, ugly cry broken.

I spent the day yesterday blissfully unaware.

Running from errand to errand.
School drop off.
School pick up.

My kindergardener running into my arms with scuffed and torn knees on his uniform pants.
Scolding him for ruining yet another pair.
Scolding him for playing too roughly with his friends at recess.
Echoing my own mother, telling him money doesn't grow on trees.
Irritated that I'd have to replace another pair.
Him mumbling I'm sorries.
Carrying on with our day.

Christmas card pictures.
Running around the playplace at the mall.
Happy Meals for smiling big and cooperating with the photographer.
A few episodes of Phineas and Ferb before bedtime.

A day too full of odds and ends to be bothered checking in on facebook, twitter, instagram.

Then bedtime.
My three babies safely tucked and snuggled in.
And I had the time to check my social media.

Ugly, ugly cries.

Suddenly grateful to have to replace torn uniform pants.
Grateful for the little boy who came running into my arms at the end of the school day, unaware of events far, far away.
Grateful for the three littles that I stare at while they sleep.
Guilty for anger over a ruined uniform.
Crushed for all those other parents far away wishing for a worry as simple as buying new pants.

Hug your babies extra tight.
Not just today, but every day.

I am so sorry for those affected by the day's events.
There are no words.

Sending love.
And prayers.


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  1. My heart is broken as well. You are right, there are no words.

  2. Very poignant post. Thank you for writing this.

  3. I know exactly how you feel. So terribly sad.

  4. Soooo right :( there are just simply NO words :( how brokenhearted I feel....and they aren't even MY child :( complete sadness.

  5. Well put. I picked up my daughter early after hearing the news. Not two minutes after we were home she was having a meltdown, but this time, it just didn't matter.


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