Giving thanks.

I meant to post this yesterday.
I guess it's good to give thanks on more than just one day a year. :)

We started off our Turkey Day with our usual not so healthy but so delicious breakfast.
Most years it's McDonald's.
This year we DIYed it.

I thought I'd make loaves of pumpkin bread for hostess gifts.
So easy. So yummy.
The boys and I were rockin' the Harry Connick Jr. Christmas station on Pandora the whole time.
Getting into the holiday spirit.
Having a good time.
see that big bowl of batter up there?
My 5 year old accidentally knocked my phone into it.
Not cool.
So now my poor iphone has been chilling in a bag of rice for the past day (aside from the boatload of instagram pics!)
Fingers crossed it recovers.

We headed to my parents' house for dinner.

No one ever goes hungry there.
And I totally want to steal my mom's china.  So pretty.

Thanksgiving dinner then turned into a birthday celebration for my brother in law.
Pumpkin pie is always good on Thanksgiving.
But birthday cake is better.

We were all so happy to see my Grandpa Jack join us.
His health has been slowly deteriorating, so these visits mean the world.

And moving right along into Christmas...
...who am I kidding we've been Christmasing for a week now...
Costco sells GALLON jugs of egg nog.
My hips are not thanking me for that.  Haha.
But it is so good!

To my little blog family...whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, thanks so much for reading and sharing and visiting and just being a part of this little space.

Happy day, friends.


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  1. Happy belated Thanksgiving to you!! I am thankful for all the blogs I read's like little peeks into others' lives. It's kind of like reading an Elizabeth Berg book a page a day. Thanks for sharing! (ps....I love your Mom's ceramic bread basket...I've always wanted one of those!)

  2. Sorry to hear about your phone, hope its ok!
    Love your family photos!

    Happy Holidays!

  3. The dressing/stuffing looks so yummy! Does someone use a specific recipe...hint, hint.

    I lost my sweet Grandpa last year shortly before Thanksgiving. Hug your handsome Grandpa Jack extra tight.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Lovely,lovely things to be thankful for right now xx


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