
We took another big step in our lives.

I dropped off two boys at school for the first time.

Little Brother is officially a preschooler.
(But insists that he, too, is a kindergartner since he wears nothing but his brother's uniform shirt. :))

So for six hours a week, it's just Baby Sister and me.

A little lonely?

I'm a mix of emotions.

He did great today.
And we couldn't be prouder.

This boy is nothing like his reserved, rule following, soft spoken older brother.  Since the day he was born, he has been his own person, doing his own thing.  He's a character that one, and I'm never quite sure what to expect.

But he rocked it.  :)

Now I just need to get used to our new normal.
Two boys dressed, fed, and out the door for school twice a week.
Oy vey.

And good luck to all you mamas dropping your babies off for the first time, too!


  1. That´s so sweet - love the pic too!

  2. What a sweet picture! My daughter has her first day of school next Tuesday... I'm a bundle of nerves!
    Best to your and your family!

  3. I just took my oldest to kindergarten yesterday for the first time too! I also have two boys...the second is a wildman and will have a girl this fall!


  4. Such a sweet photo!

    Have fun with your Daughter while your boys are in school. =)

  5. Dude, I feel ya! Squirt's gone Monday and Tuesday mornings so I'm all alone. It's not bad. It's the other days that I miss Moose.


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