Summer nights and Michelob ULTRA Light Cider

Once the weather turns warm, we spend A LOT of time outside.
I take the boys and the baby to the pool almost every day.
When we're not at the pool, you can find us at the park or the playground.
And if we have to come home for Sister's nap, then we head out to the backyard and play in the sandbox.

Winter is LONG in Chicago, man.

And once the littles are in bed, the mister and I like to extend those summer days into lazy summer nights sitting on our deck.
Of course, good food and drinks are a must.

So when I was given the chance to try Michelob's new ULTRA Light Cider, I was super excited.  It sounded like the perfect drink to accompany a grown up barbecue.

Instead of my usual glass of wine, cider sounded like it would be crisp and refreshing after a day in the sun.

And I was right.

We ate barbecue chicken and sweet corn from the farmer's market.

And then we stayed up until the wee hours chatting and laughing and just plain enjoying our night by the candlelight.
It was great, and we definitely enjoyed our Michelob ULTRA Light Cider.

We drank our cider straight from the bottle (we're so fancy--I know!), but I think next time I'm going to try it over ice.  Sounds good, right??

If you want to learn more about Michelob ULTRA Light Cider, visit the sponsor site or the Michelob ULTRA Light Cider page on

So...which favorite summer meal or activity do YOU think would go best with Michelob ULTRA Light Cider?

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Disclaimer: I was provided product and compensated for my time, but all opinions are my own.


  1. Winters in Chicago ARE loonnnnggg...
    I hear ya sister, I am at the pool, park and sandbox daily too.
    Next time you have a bbq though, I want an invite! ;)

  2. Sorry to be a downer, but that whole post feels icky. Did they require you to use the term "michelob ultra light cider" a certain number of times? I usually keep negative opinions to myself, but as a regular reader, I feel like a post like that is a real turn-off, even with a disclaimer.

  3. Sorry you didn't like that one. Thanks for reading!

  4. I just tried Michelob's Light Cider last night at my in-laws, it is delicious & definitely refreshing! I am also a fan of Michelob Ultra's Lime Cactus. I'm definitely going to try the cider over ice next time too! :)

  5. Yes, winters are looong in Chicago, but summers are even longer in Texas...

    That chicken (and corn) looks delish! By any chance do you do anything special to the chicken or just grill it?

    We'll have to try the cider-sounds like a yummy alternative to regular 'ol Shiner Boch. :)

    1. My husband is the BBQer around here, but all he does usually is pepper and garlic powder sprinkled on...and it always tastes great!


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