An October treat

There's something so satisfying about an October tomato.

Rebel plants that don't care that everyone else is thinking kale and mums. 

My tomato garden is carrying on its merry little way and surprising me with peeks of ripeness in between drying leaves.

And I couldn't be more grateful.


  1. My hubby's garden is doing the same thing. :) Last weekend he picked a 15 pound watermelon... I'm not quite sure it IS October... Could every calendar in the world have lost a month somewhere?

  2. I just love it! Rebels rule. haha. That last pic is just mouth watering!

  3. I've read on other blogs that they are having lots of October tomatoes this year. Not so at our house. They are green and sort of stunted. Hopefully next year will be better for Hubby's tomato plants.


  4. I found some recipes for green tomatoes & w/a threat of frost last week I picked the rest of them .. now to use them :) LOVE your Photos!!!

  5. Wow...that's amazing. You got some great pictures. Enjoy your tomatoes.

  6. Caprese salad is my absolute favorite! I am so jealous you still have tomatoes. They look wonderful!


  7. We're still getting some down south too and I just had a daylily bloom! Crazy but I'm not complaining.


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