Simple camera strap cover

I'll admit I'm just as excited to have a pretty camera strap as I am to have a new camera.  This is an easy project, so you can make a bunch and switch them out when you feel like it! 

This is what I did for my standard Nikon strap.  Double check your own strap to see if it's the same size before you start.  (And if you have a point and shoot, here's my tute on how to make a wristlet strap for it.)

You'll need:
2 strips of fabric, each 21" x 2.5" long
1 strip of fusible fleece/batting, 20" x 2.5"

Iron the short ends of each strip down a quarter inch. 

Sew two parallel lines to hem the ends (one will catch your fabric, one's just to make it look more finished).

Iron the fusible fleece to the wrong side of the strip of fabric you want facing inside.  It should be slightly shorter than the fabric, so center it.

Line up your strips of fabric, right sides together, and pin.

Sew.  I serged the seams, too, but it's not necessary.

Turn your fabric tube right side out. 

Topstitch along each edge and you're all set!

I made a few of these assembly line style, so I may put some in my shop.  In the meantime, if you'd like the one I showed here, leave a nice comment and I'll pick a winner this weekend. :)

Sorry, giveaway closed.


  1. so cute!! I tried to make my own this weekend but I may have made it more complicated than it needed to be. I will have to give your way a shot, I was trying to add a pocket on to hold my lens cover and I think that is where I went wrong :).

  2. Super cute!!! Thanks for the tutorial!!!

  3. Love it! I have yet to try making my own, but it's been on my list for months.

  4. This is so cute and the tutorial is great. I love, love the yellow polka dot fabric. I need to check out the shop.

  5. Have to get in on the giveaway, this fabric is so cute!

  6. Just got a new DSLR camera so this giveaway is perfect for me! :) And, I guess if I don't win, I will try to make one!

  7. The fabric is adorable! Love it... count me in for the giveaway!

  8. This has been on my list for quite a while too! It looks sturdy & cute!

  9. Love it! Thanks for the great tutorial. Yours are always so clear and make it look so easy!

  10. What a simple and easy to understand tutorial....maybe I'll finally get around to using the Brother machine that's been staring at me from a lonely corner for months. I'm scared of it. ;)

  11. Awesome! Way better than the black and yellow Nikon strap ;)

  12. I LOVE this and have always wanted a cute, unique camera strap, but never bought or made one. i too have a Nikon camera. :)

  13. Lovely! I'm stoked that I found your blog (and shop!) I used to use my sewing machine quite a bit, and was doing a search for easy pillow covers when I came across your envelope cover tutorial. Now I've been poking through your blog for over an hour and must get back to work! Thanks for sharing here, I'm a suscriber now, can't wait to see what else you come up with :)

  14. ok this looks so easy to make!! i've tried other camera strap tutorials and somehow failed miserably each time... i blame it on my 2 year old ;)
    good job!! love it!!

  15. That's SUCH a great tutorial... I've wanted a nice looking camera strap for over a year but the ones I like, well... let's just say they are asking a bit too much to go with my wallet size, so I keep on keeping on with my same old strap. Love the fabrics you used!


  16. Love the fabric combination. I have a point & shoot, but I'm saving up for "the big one".

  17. Adorable. Thanks for the tutorial, I too, have been wondering how to make these!

  18. Looks wonderful!! I'd love to have one of these!! Thanks for the tutorial!

  19. Oh how nice ~ a tutorial and a surprise giveaway at the end. :o) I'd love to win this!

  20. I've seen so many camera strap tutes but you made it look so easy! Thank you! Such a cute one too... hope I win! :)

  21. ohlala!
    My favorite colors all put together!
    My Nikon NEEDS to be dressed in her!

  22. Thanks so much! I am easily terrified of most sewing tutorials (but oh how I do love them so!), but this one seems easy peasy!

  23. I love the fabric! I have a quick question, do you notice it sliding on your camera strap? I had one, I took it off because it wouldn't stay in place, i'm thinking the fusible fleece may prevent that. Thanks for sharing the tutorial!

  24. I love the camera strap, however, I think I am a bit confused. Does it slip over the Nikon strap or how do you attach it? Sorry, I am new at this sewing thing and I really want to try it. Leah

  25.'s a slipcover. After you finish this tute, just slide your black factory strap into it and reattach your black strap to your camera. Easy peasy!

  26. I "heart" this strap! It's adorable :) Please put some in your shop because there is NO WAY my strap would look as great as yours!

  27. I love the way it turned out. I have a vintage 70's camera strap right now. I think I may need to shake things up a bit and make my own... or I could just win one. :)


  28. What a fun camera strap cover!! Thanks for the instructions (and inspiration)!!

  29. Love this strap! Have been meaning to make one of my own, but would be just as happy to win yours!! Thanks for the chance.

  30. I love this strap! Its super cute and the colors are FABULOUS!! Pick me pretty please :)

  31. Awesome! I totally need to make some for my sis who's a photographer! Love your fabric too!

  32. aaww, I want one!!! crossing my fingers to win it! so flippin' cute! you're a sewing genius!

  33. A friend recently raved about that camera strap she made for herself and instantly I wanted to make one as a gift. I have not yet gotten aroung to making on, but I think yours may be far more adorable then anything I could make.

  34. Love the stylish simplicity and so thankful for the tutorial to be able to make it possible.
    With Joy, Carey

  35. Gorgeous camera strap! Loving those fabrics! Would love to have my very one fancy camera strap. Great job!

  36. Thanks for the tutorial, you are awesome! I am going to attempt one. I would love to win one of your too!

  37. I love it, love it, love it. And it would be a perfect fit for my Nikon ;).
    Thanks for the tut :)
    justine.holmes at

  38. I'm totally making some of these for Christmas presents this year. Thanks for posting this tutorial!!

  39. nice blog..great work!take care dear!

  40. What a fun camera strap and very easy to make.

  41. We just bought a new camera, Nikon D5000, I have been seeing these around and wanted to make one :) You made it seem so easy :)But of course it is so much more fun to win one!!

  42. I love the fabrics you used! I hope to win! But if I don't I will be making one. Thanks for sharing!

  43. I'm in love with your camera strap!!

  44. Thanks for sharing! I looks easy enough. I have been wanting a fun strap cover for ages! And it's a great way to use fun scraps.

  45. This is adorable!! I have been wanting a fun strap for my camera! Thanks so much for posting this tutorial!

  46. I had that same feeling when I got my new camera last year - I thought I can't wait to get an amazing strap!! I'd love to win this strap, not for myself, but for my sister. She's equally as excited about the camera she just got for her birthday, but silly girl won't buy herself a cute strap :)

  47. This is on my never ending list of things to make! Yours is so pretty and I would love to make it mine (and cross something off my list!)

  48. I've been wanting to make one of these cute camera straps... but winning one would be even better. Thanks for the tutorial and an chance to win one.

  49. I would love that camera strap!!! I just got a new Cannon that needs a strap cover!!!

  50. love it! sewing one has been on my list for awhile... thanks for the tutorial!

  51. pretty pretty - I have a friend who needs a pretty strap

  52. I would love to win this strap! How cool! Pick me pick me! Come enter my giveaway if you would like!

  53. i would love this strap! its perfect :)

  54. I would absolutely love this camera strap cover! I found your blog a month ago and I have been stalking you ever since! Thanks!!

  55. Oh how I would love this for my Nikon! Love the colors you used:-)

  56. We just got a new nikon and even though my husband is just fine with a boring black strap, I would love something like this! Thanks for the opportunity!

  57. that would look soooo much better than the one im useing now.
    esp when we go to disney this fall!

  58. I have been wanting one of these for a while and yours is adorable.

  59. I love the colors, too pretty!

  60. This is SO thoughtful, thank you! :) The color combo is awesome. I would double love this because I am finally getting my own camera in 2 weeks (but who is counting?) ;)

  61. Such cheery colors!! I love this!
    Have a wonderful holiday weekend Cheryl!!

  62. Very cute!! My husband got me the same camera for my birthday! I have been meaning to make a strap cover for it. Maybe I will win this one so I won't have to make one :)

  63. Super cute! I always love your fabric choices.

  64. OHHH! Pick me!!
    I'm in need of a new strap.

  65. How sweet of you to give this away!!! I would be thrilled to have it on my camera!!!!:) Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  66. gorgeous strap! it's perfect for the DSLR I'm getting for my birthday. Thank you for the tutorial.

  67. How fun!! LOVE it and would love one for my camera! Great tutorial although I am not good at sewing! (=

  68. I would love to have one of these to cover the old, faded southwestern strap I "inherited" from my husband!

  69. Yes, Yes, Yes!! It would help me see how well I follow your tutorial! :o)

  70. This is super cute! I would love to have your talent. Thank you for sharing this tutorial. I would love to use this strap on my camera!

  71. This is so adorable! I love the print and the colors!!! :)

  72. I totally love it! and would love to give it to my SIL for Christmas Xo

  73. Thanks for the tutorial. I wish I had seen it before I made mine. The way you have done yours is so myth better. I really like it and the idea it slips on instead of having to stitch directly into the existing strap. I would love to slide it right on over mine....

    Genie @ buttonsforbaga

  74. I want this. :) And I want to know what you're doing with those clip-ons...and then I want to get my own. Those are gorgeous!!! :)

  75. This is beautiful. I love the colors. I have wanted a nice strap like this since we bought our new camera. It would be lovely to win one.

  76. gorgeous prize! I guess if I don't win I'll have to make one myself! (Thanks for providing such a clear tutorial!)

  77. Oh, am I too late?! :(. I'm in love with this strap cover and do not own a sewing machine...yet.

  78. Love your blog.....I am glad to see such a nice tutorial on the camera strap! We also have a nikon camera but only have the dull old black one! Guess I had better get busy!


  79. I simply love it! The colors are great!

  80. love. love. love. it's the perfect strap to spruce up my nikon. :o)

  81. Love it! Wish I had the confidence in my sewing skills to make it!

  82. i love the fabric you chose!!! sooo cute, and would look great on my canon rebel!!!

  83. I love this tutorial! Featuring you today on Favorite Pins Friday!
    Meredith @

  84. Thanks for the tutorial! I used it as a starting point to make my camera strap cover and added bias tape.


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