Good mail day

Oh ebay, you never let me down. 

Happy holiday weekend, everyone!

ps. Do you want this camera strap cover?  Go leave a comment.  I'll pick its new home tomorrow. :) 


  1. This looks like it belonged to my grandmother. She wore the biggest, loudest costume jewelry of anyone I have ever met. I have a whole bunch of her clip-on earrings.

  2. I love clip on earrings!! I love making art out of them! Have fun!!!!

  3. What do you plan on doing with these? Wearing them or using them in some sort of craft project? My Grandma has boxes of these...

  4. What a bunch of delicious yummies in that jar! What will you make from all of it?


  5. I always loved finding bazaar bits in my Mums jewlery box, now my kids do the same with my jewlery box :)

  6. I love all the colors! And especially all of it in the bing jar! Reminds me of the little church ladies and the pocketbooks swaying on their wrist. LOve the goodies!

  7. Wow!! What a wonderful jar of goodies!!! Can't wait to see what you do with them!:)

  8. Ahhh I’ve never thought about looking for stuff like that on ebay. Ohh I want to go see what I can find now. I wrote a post about mail today as well...too funny! I sure wish I had a bundle of goodies like that on its way to me.

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  9. Great find!! Makes me want to search around ebay more! (= Love to see what you do with them!!

  10. umm of course I would love to win that camera strap...the colors are great together :)

  11. I am sure you are going to do something awesome with your new goodies, as usual! I really need that camera strap. I am trying to get my own blog going and I must get in the habit of having my camera with me more often! Have a great holiday weekend!

  12. I would love to win the camera strap!! Can't wait to see what you do with your ebay treasure!

  13. Oh my GOD! How gorgeous! thank you for sharing!

  14. Oh exciting! I love when I get ebay mail!! LOL Also I love that camera strap!!! :)

  15. the jar of goodies reminds me of my granmother Lorene. she had a ton of costume jewelry, especially old Avon earrings that had switchable flower petals and gold/silver studs...

    love the camera strap! does a camera come with it? my digital is DEAD :(

  16. Visited your blog for the time and I LOVE IT !I had to become a follower !

  17. Oh yes, pick me, I would love that camera strap...and I love all your jewelry finds. I am curious as to what you plan do with it all. Fun stuff I am sure!

  18. I love costume jewelry and I love ebay! The camera strap is beautiful...colors are awesome...Love it!

  19. yes! I want the camera strap! Pick me, pick me! hehe

  20. Would LOVE the camera strap! What a great jar of goodies...can't wait to see what you do with them. I'm sure you have something cool in mind.

  21. Oooh I love ebay and I love your purchase. Can't wait to see what you do with them - bet it's unique and cool whatever you choose to do!

  22. Those are gorgeous! What fabulous project do you have in mind for them?

  23. I would love to win the camera strap. I have been to busy to make my own and I love yours! Thanks for the giveaway! sarahespn at gmail dot com


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