Flash cards & clothesline

On a whim the other day, I went into the dollar store.  My intention was to get supplies for Julie's project, but I also found these fun little flash cards.

I think they're perfect as a simple and fun decoration for our playroom.  Who needs flash cards for learning, anyway?

And for the record, this is the name of my make-believe child.  My real ones are kept under wraps because of super uncool stuff like this.


  1. Cute! I have some "fancy" flash cards that I hate letting the kids use because they are so darn adorable. I need to let go. :)

  2. Aw I love it! What a clever idea!!

  3. Love this idea, too! So cute!

  4. I just clicked on the link at the bottom. What a CREEPY story!!! Makes me want to figure out how to watermark my photos....

  5. That is a really cool idea. I'm a kindergarten teacher and that is a cute way to decorate a kid's room and they learn stuff too. Great job.

  6. So simple and so adorable! Wonderful idea.

  7. I picked up some super cool flashcards at Williamsburg last summer and was going to frame them for my son's room. I've been thinking I should make a banner out of them instead, your post might have sealed the deal!

    PS - the link at the bottom - scary stuff!

  8. ooh, great idea! my 5yo and I are working on music flash cards for piano lessons...I think I will just hang them up over the piano!!

  9. Love this...which is why I am giving you an award at my blog....


  10. This is an idea my little guy will love! We just might see if we can find some tomorrow. :)


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