a pretty cool life.: December 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009

What's the rush?

Okay, I realize Christmas was over days ago.  I know what the calendar says. 

But why are we all rushing to have Christmas over so soon?  What's so great about January?

During my recent blog hopping, I've seen too many posts about the joy of ripping down the Christmas decorations December 26th.

I've got to say I'm really not that happy when all the Christmas comes down.

I know I've said this all before.  Back to school starts in July.  Halloween starts in August.  Christmas starts in October.  Thanksgiving is completely ignored. 

Why can't we just enjoy the moment?

So in our house, we're still Christmasing. 

Our trees are still up and the lights are still lit. 

We're still eating candy canes and cookies.  And we're still wearing our jammies all day long.

We're squeezing every last drop of enjoyment out of this Christmas that we can.

And you know what?  We couldn't be happier.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I'm just stopping in for a quick hello.

I finished shirts for the boys for Christmas morning.  I guess the pants will have to wait 'til next year.  Oh well.

The jars of goodies are packed and ready for giving.

But my list is still long...

Is that possible?  Can I work like crazy and still not make progress?

Anywho, now I need to put the computer down and get Christmas Eve and that to-do list moving right along.  Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Simple project #2: grosgrain ribbon napkins

This is an easy, super cute way to dress up plain jane dinner napkins.  Perfect for a last second hostess gift. 


I dug through my trims and ribbons and took out all the pretty reds.  Then I just sewed them on a set of plain white dinner napkins.

So simple, but still so pretty!

And thank you to everyone who sent links to my santa on ebay.  You guys rock!!  I ordered one, and it should be here just in time for Christmas!  

If anyone's interested, there's a set of these napkins in my shop.  All of my items are shipping the same day, so you'll get 'em for Christmas.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Casualties of the season

This is heartbreaking.

I can't blame my 2 3(!!!) year old... 

Or my 11 month 1(!!!) year old... 

Not even the cat.

Nope, just their klutzy bonehead of a mother can take credit for this.  That Martha Stewart santa tree topper was from our first married Christmas.  Not only did it have sentimental value, it was one of my favorites.

And of course no one sells it anymore. 


Okay ebay, work your magic and help a girl out...

Friday, December 18, 2009

The first of my holiday baking

Good friends of ours had a holiday dinner party for a few couples tonight. 

I was in charge of dessert.


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