November means...

Goodbye Halloween and hello Christmas projects! 

Can you believe I got almost 7 cups of seeds out of my five pumpkins?!  I'm this.close. to being sick of them. 

Nah, not really.  I could eat them all day every day.

But with Halloween behind us, I can focus on the bright, colorful start to my favorite time of the year.

Now, I certainly won't be taking any Christmas decorations out for a few weeks, but the Christmas spirit is starting to creep into our home, and I welcome the excitment. 

This year I'm really committing to making more of my gifts. It saves money (well, not always...), but it's so much fun, and in the end I'm able to give something special and unique with a story. My heartfelt effort is appreciated (I hope) so much more than storebought gifts.

So, as of right now, I've got quite a list of gifts and projects to work on in the next month and a half...18 projects!  I'm going to start simple with tshirts, crayon rolls and gift card holders, and go from there.  I'm looking forward to sharing them all.

Of course, I know this list is going to grow and change, but it's going to feel good to check things off, starting this week. 

And finally, I know that so many of you have great homemade gift ideas. Care to share some of those ideas with the rest of us?


  1. That stack of felt makes me WAY happier than it should.

  2. ACK - that's exactly how I'm feeling. 18 projects, though? You rule.

  3. I love all the colors. I cannot wait to see what you make. =)

  4. Wow girl you are on top of it. You are starting to think of Christmas, meanwhile I am still picking Halloween candy out of my hair;) If you get any great suggestions for homemade stuff I'd love to hear about it!!

  5. I'm getting excited for Christmas too. I've already been listening to Christmas music but no decorating for me until the weekend after Thanksgiving.

  6. I'm feeling ADD craft overload... so many projects that I LOVE... oh where to start?! God's blessings on your crafting and don't forget to share with us! :D

  7. Im trying to think of things I can make, but havent really decided on anything.

  8. i am dying to know what you will do with those buckets! :)
    i feel as if i have nothing as far as ideas this year.
    can't think of anything.
    oh well...i will enjoy everyone else's creativity.


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