Who needs toys...

when you have this going on down the block?

There couldn't be anything in the world more fascinating for my little guys to watch.


  1. If I didn't know better, I would say you totally stole this from my blog! The exact scene is gracing my street, and we sit outside and watch for hours of entertainment as well. How fun!

  2. we have that just down the street, Tristan says "actor, actor" (tractor) every time we go by and STRAINS in his stroller to see it.

  3. It is so funny how things like that bring everyone out. When we cut down our tree people came out to watch.

  4. Live action is the best because it's REAL.

    You never know, this could be the start of something big for your little guys!

  5. Oh my goodness, I have a 4 yr old nephew how would've sat at the window and watched them for hours.

  6. Looks like the big truck time!! Love it!

  7. There is construction going on at the Zoo and we go every week. Every week the kids seem so much more excited about the construction equipment then the animals. So funny


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