Up next...

Can you guess what these towels will be?

I've been shredding...

and shredding...

and shredding...

them for my latest project.  I can't wait to share it!

And if you're interested, don't forget to enter to win a subscription to Martha Stewart Living.  I'll pick a winner at 5 pm central time tomorrow!


  1. My guess would be a bathroom rug.. can't wait to see!

  2. I also think it's one of the braided bath rugs - can't wait to see.

  3. Gotta give... I'm always making rags out of my old towels... whatever you're up to looks way more interesting.

    ps. We share a love for cheap antiques and bargains... I have the exact same footed bowl you got a the thrift store... I got mine for 50 cents at a garage sale... Love it!!!


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