The big two-eight

 Happy September 16th to me!
What a good lookin' birthday girl.  That was you-know-who circa 1984.  I remember being thrilled about that Strawberry Shortcake cake, too. 

Already I've had a breakfast of bagels out with the boys, a day full of not much, and am now gearing up for sushi with the hubs...28's going to be a great year, I can tell. 


  1. Jane @ Finding FabulousSeptember 16, 2009 at 6:05 PM

    Happy Birthday Cheryl! Love your blog! I used to be Decor mamma, but have since changed my name to Finding Fabulous! Ahhhh, I wish I were having Sushi with the Hubby...enjoy!

  2. Happy Birthday! Oh, boy do I ever feel old! My daughter is 26 and your pictures of when you were young really take me back to her youth.

    I hope you've had a great day and a fun time out with hubs! Wishing you a wonderful year!


  3. I really hope your birthday was/is good! A sweet friend like you should have a sweet birthday! Happy birthday.

  4. Happy birthday Cheryl!!! I hope you had a wonderful day!!! Thanks for being such a wonderful blogging friend and leaving me such fun comments!


  5. Happy Birthday "my cool friend Cheryl"! I love looking at your blog, you have such cute ideas, and I feel right at home with you cause I also try to do what I can between nursing a baby and chasing MY 2 year old! Crazy!! Keep it up, hope your birthday was a great one!!

  6. Happy birthday! I remember my sister having that same haircut (she's a year younger than you).

  7. Happy Birthday (the next day). I love birthdays and I hope you all had a great time.

  8. :) wau! I just found your blog and I was reading it trouhg and then that picture of you came. Those plates and cups! My mom collects them. Has been collecting more than 30 years. I never see them anywhere! And there they are. :)

    I really like your blog! Lots of ideas what to do.



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