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Monday, August 10, 2009

Just what I needed

This came in the paper yesterday...

And mind you I have three bins that look like this...(I really should work on organizing, huh?)

But I still managed to come home with all of this... (Plus the basket for 40% off.)

I'll give you one guess on the color scheme for my sister's shower.

I think I may single-handedly keep Michael's in business. I wish, for once, my craft making ability would outweigh my craft supply buying ability!

ps. If you sign up for Michael's emails, you can print a 50% off coupon for yourself!


  1. They are having some great sales at Michael's right now. I was there this past Saturday and picked up a bunch of spring/summer candles. I had to put some things down because I realized I was getting them just because they were so cheap!


  2. I'm a ribbon junkie too! There are just so many uses for pretty ribbon! Thanks for the tip about the coupon, I didn't realize they were allowing folks to print one off the internet now!

  3. Thanks for letting us know about the coupons!

    Have a wonderful day!
    ~Michelle :)


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