Attention fellow magazine pack rats

If you're like me, you know some magazines are far too valuable to throw out or cut up. Even for your idea file. Every picture is a great idea. Every article is super informative. You'd as soon throw out your wedding pictures than part with a single issue.

And if you don't save magazines, you can stop reading now.

Anywho, you end up with an annoyed husband and bookshelves looking like this because you've subscribed to Martha Stewart Living since you were 16.

Eh, some things are worth it. But, at times, it's difficult to collect all the creative inspiration you need for a season or holiday. So this is what I do.

Rather than order the back issues by year, January-December, I group them by month. That way, when I'm ready to decorate and prepare for the 4th of July, I just go to that section and grab all of my July issues. I save myself from picking out single issues from the past 10+ years, and replacing them is a snap.

Try it. You may like it.


  1. that is a good idea! Well, if you have magazines you keep. I only get Redbook & they usually get thrown out. :)

  2. A girl after my own heart, I do this, but grouped by year, with cooking magazines! I can't bear to "break-up" with my old issues.

  3. Wow you have a lot of magazines! But that is a great idea in organizing them. Stopping in from SITS to say Hi!

  4. Oh wow! That is a wonderful idea! great job! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    From a SITSta. ;)

  5. I'm totally jealous of your Martha stash! I always tear out articles and throw the magazine away.....but I know I miss stuff that I probably wasn't into at the time the magazine came out.

  6. could have totally written this post! (Does that qualify me to be "super cool?" haha!) My husband and my momma both make fun of me all the time for my "magazine archives!" Mike (hubs) just doesn't understand how I can read the same mag over and over, cover to cover...and then pick it up three years later and do it again. And he's always mystified when I am searching for a particular inspiration pic and can go to my "archives" and flip right to it! HAHA! And can I just say I am blown away (seriously) by the idea of organizing them per season as opposed to chronologically!!! Gosh, you really are super cool... I can't wait to reorganize the archives! ;o)

  7. i need to stop commenting and go back to work, but with each post i feel i must say that your ideas rock.

    i'm going home to organize my southern livings by month...again, simple, but sooo helpful!


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