Homekeeping tip: How to remove a rust stain from your kitchen sink (one armed!)

While I am smart enough not to pour the excess fat from browned ground beef down the drain, I am not smart enough not to leave the can full of grease in my (ahem, 3 week old) white porcelain sink.

Lucky me, I got this lovely circle of rust as a reminder of what I did. (And I know my photography is crap-tapulous, so it doesn't look too bad, but I'll tell you, it was a doozy. It's there at the bottom in all its orange glory.)

The solution to this problem? Vinegar. Just plain old vinegar. I poured it on the spot and let it sit for 10 minutes or so, then rubbed it a little with a paper towel. That was it, and I did it all while holding Little Guy #2 (to be fair, nearly everything I've done for the past 5 1/2 months has been with one arm while holding him).

And, turns out, vinegar expires. Looks like mine did about 5 years ago. Yep, 2004 baby. (Don't worry-I'm not poisoning my family or making weak Easter eggs-this jug is from my cleaning supply bin, not the kitchen.)

Now here's my "after". I know it looks the same as the before (again, phenomenal photography), but trust me, it's about a million percent better (rough estimate only).

So this might not be a mind-blowing bit of information, but you may need one day when you're a genius like me and leave a can in the sink to get wet and rust.


  1. Nicely done! I just used vinegar for a couple of outdoor cleaning projects this weekend - it's good stuff!

  2. Hi, just saw your comment on Farmgirl Paints, and stopped by to say hello... And girl, I love your blog!! Very cute, and lots of fantastic links! Plus, you referred to Pioneer Woman, and I love her so much.
    I'll be back!

  3. Who knew?!?!?! Thanks for the tip.
    More please.

  4. Hi again Cheryl! I saw that you listed me on Blogs you follow! YEAH! Now I have 5 followers WAHOOOO! I checked out SITS from your blog. Very helpful. Also, I will be posting pics this Friday of my boys rooms and their bathroom. Last week I linked up to Kelly's Corner as she is having "Show me your house" and doing different rooms week after week. I got a slow start to it, but doing it now :) and having fun!

    Amanda @ www.morethanthestarsinthesky.blogspot.com


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